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Sonja Kohn: Living proof of the concept of Personality Age & leading innovator of the emotional DNA

Robert Reuss

Sonja Kohn: Founder of BestFit
Sonja Kohn: Founder of BestFit

Older people are analog and overwhelmed by the fast-paced digital world, while young people thrive in our online society. Right or wrong? The underlying question is: How do we define "age" in a digitized world where people are increasingly defined by their online fingerprint? Can companies that rely on the outdated concept of demographics still survive in an increasingly digital world? And how can companies truly understand their customers' needs after the end of third-party cookies? Spoiler alert: The world of Big Data as we know it is dead. And with it, the conventional concept of age.

The demographic age is dead. Welcome to the new personality age.

Never before has the statement "You're as old as you feel" been so true as it's today. BESTFIT founder and successful entrepreneur Sonja Kohn is living proof that age is just a number and that companies need more than demographic data to successfully understand and adapt to their customers' needs. "Today, data is the most valuable asset for any business," Sonja Kohn quotes well-known business magazine The Economist, "but the mistake most companies make is collecting the wrong information about their customers."

With BESTFIT, a disruptive data generation platform, companies receive client’s EMOTIONAL DNA – a new area of data that reveals how people think and helps companies to hyper-personalize their communication and offerings. BESTFIT is a digital behavior science platform; a synergy of Science, Psychology, Technology & Business Intelligence merging HITM (Human Intelligence) and AI. With BESTFIT's engaging digital questionnaires, corporates and their clients can uncover personality traits, decision drivers, and preferences. For companies, it delivers holistic personality profiles, decision drivers and preferences, predictive intelligence that empowers impactful communication and personalized offers. For their clients, a +/- 3-minute, fun self-discovery experience.

BESTFIT founded by Sonja Kohn
BestFit by Sonja Kohn

About the founder Sonja Kohn and BESTFIT

Ms. Kohn has extensive multidisciplinary experience as a serial entrepreneur, having founded successful companies with partners such as UniCredit Bank Austria, Austria's largest bank. In 1994, she founded Medici, a financial services company based in Vienna, and in 1999 she founded Funds World, an online platform for investment funds, in a joint venture with Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy's largest bank. Later, in 2015, Ms. Kohn founded BESTFIT - even then, she recognized that the way businesses generated and understood data was outdated.

Winner Sonja Kohn with BESTFIT at the DIA event
Sonja Kohn with BESTFIT at the DIA event

Today, her and her team's disruptive business innovation is revolutionizing the data industry by reinventing how data is generated and what kind of data companies can collect. Her remarkable understanding of business innovation and trends and her unstoppable interest in new business solutions are the drivers of her and her company's continued success. Knowing that hard work has been the foundation of her remarkable self-made career, she also supports young businesswomen by partnering with HenkelX Venture for the Xathon in Berlin - Europe's largest idea hackathon for women.

Sonja Kohn has always had an excellent understanding of market trends and the needs of businesses. Her latest innovative venture is at the core of three exponentially growing industries - Digital, Data and Gamification. With their innovative platform, they won a DIAmond Award for greatest strategic impact, were selected by DIA's mediapartner Italian Insurtech Association as the best digital product for enterprises, and were selected by Gartner as Cool Vendors 2020 and 2021 in the insurance space.



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